Rachel Lee Hall: We The Forest Profile


In a forest plagued by drought, a group of mycelia fungus struggles to provide nutrients and moisture to a desperate root system, which affects the entire terrestrial story. Forest Under Stress is a short film about Rachel Hall, an advocate for the southern Oregon forest, and the diminishing annual water supply that adversely affects root systems.

Since its spring release in 2022, Forest Under Stress has received over 26 selections, awards, nominations, and honorable mentions from film festivals across the globe, with more anticipated in 2023.



Forest Under Stress is a collaboration between Michal Hall Bravo Ramírez and Rachel Lee Hall, a mother-daughter duo from southern Oregon in the United States. Together they wrote the script, and Michal took the roles of storyboard artist, animator, editor, voice over, and composer. This film speaks to their care and concern for this region of the Pacific Northwest.



Conservationist and Citizen Advocate
Mycophile and Earth Dynamics
Creator, Forest Under Stress Film

Rachel Lee HallRachel promotes active forest management on our public lands to replace the current passive forest management, which allowed the vegetative fuel load to increase over the years promoting the decline of forest health and unprecedented wildfires. Rachel has been a mushroom hunter in her home state of Oregon for forty years, and has been tracking the decline of mushroom emergence due to environmental factors. In 2018, because of a man-made wildfire, she was evacuated from her home; in September 2020 she was evacuated two more times.

Visit "Forest Under Stress" Website


We the Forest transforms forest management through storytelling. Our approach helps forestry professionals who want to build support for responsible forest management by sharing enlightening perspectives and helping forest stakeholders find common ground. 

We are dedicated to building common ground on the many sides of the timber production conversation, showing sustainable forest-first practices can provide solutions for catastrophic wildfire prevention, bug and disease reduction, climate change mitigation, and resource stewardship.

Ensuring our forests are around for years to come is something that should be our utmost priority. Through education like this, we can come together to understand the importance of restoration and collaboration to protect our forests from catastrophic wildfire, and create a more sustainable reality. 

Transforming forest management through storytelling.

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